Cities for Life | Global Meeting 2015 | Medellín
I’m glad to announce that next week I will travel to Colombia to take part on the Cities for Life Global Meeting in Medellin. I’ve recently travelled to Medellin and I was really surprised about its civic innovation process. So it’s a double pleasure to be there again!
Discover more here:
Within the Meeting there will be two components: one political and the other technical. The goal of both will be to set in motion a collaborative model of citizen innovation. In the political component, invited leaders and delegations will meet in order to create a declaration which will include agreements, goals, and guidelines for action regarding how to take on challenges aimed at building more effective cities for comprehensive human development. In the technical component, a scaled and real-time exercise will take place on the CITIES FOR LIFE co-creation platform. Six experts will describe issues on topics like mobility, urban planning and design, social development, environment, government, and security, and they will specify a challenge that requires several multiple solution proposals. I will contribute on Social Development. Later, representatives of the participating innovative cities will present success stories so that later, they can jointly establish a series of technical recommendations that will allow cities to orient their decisions for taking on and overcoming those challenges.

What is the CITIES FOR LIFE ecosystem platform?
The platform combines social technologies with information and communication. Miguel Aristizábal, coordinator of open innovation at Ruta N and director of the CITIES FOR LIFE ecosystem, explains that it “methodologically processes the specific needs of cities to find their critical causes and, from there, to create urban challenges. The platform will then receive solution proposals from the global community and a database of successful innovation experiences. Based on them, academia will create guidelines for a plan of action to solve common issues for cities.

Civicwise and Civic Point Network project
Besides my participation as an expert contributing on the co-creation of the platform I will be presenting the Civicwise community and Civic Point Network project. I hope we can achieve an agreement for a partnership between Civicwise and CITIES FOR LIFE and go ahead with the idea to develop an international network of Civic Point. About this specific project I hope I can tell you more soon.

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I think you should have a look at this interesting Citizen Co-creation Platform developed in Medellin > This platform is coordinated by Miguel Aristizábal Londoño (@miguelaristi) who is also the Director of Cities for Life, so I have great expectation.