
Designer, researcher and consultant





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Civic Design Method

Civic Design Method

It has long been clear to me that an academic degree cannot or should not define me as a person. I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels the same way. For this reason, I have found myself in the strange but extremely passionate need to work on imaginaries that can help us define…

Fab City Hub Voices with Tomas Diez, Fab Lab Bcn / IAAC

Fab City Hub Voices with Tomas Diez, Fab Lab Bcn / IAAC

As you know, one of my projects is Volumes, an agency promoting positive impact ecosystems. Among other things, thanks to the European Centrinno programme, we are supporting the activation of 9 creative and productive hubs in 9 European cities. In the context of this project we have also activated a programme of online meetings that…

The rebirth of Villa Buonaccorsi

The rebirth of Villa Buonaccorsi

A few months ago I returned to live in Italy. I should certainly write a lot more about this important passage in my life. Who knows if I will have the time and desire to do so. In the meantime, I want to talk to you about one of the reasons that contributed to my…

New graphic identity and website

New graphic identity and website

In May 2020 I decided to take the big step: to start the process of reorganising my online presence, redefining my graphic identity and my website. What encouraged me the most to start this process was having the opportunity to work with a great professional, Marina Pla, who I met thanks to the Ciudades Comunes…

Technology, Physical-Digital Hybridization and Glocal Proximity | 1 PHD 101 quotes

Technology, Physical-Digital Hybridization and Glocal Proximity | 1 PHD 101 quotes

I have launched the 1PHD 101quotes campaign. I am looking for theoretical support with references and quotes to 101 statements I have made in the initial description of my thesis project. I have divided them by topic.Today I share the one I have associated with:Technology, Physical-Digital Hybridization and Glocal Proximity You can leave a comment here…

Why I joined Fairbnb.coop

Why I joined Fairbnb.coop

Today I want to talk to you in more detail about Fairbnb.coop. I will focus on two things. The first is to explain to you why I have been involved in this project. The second is to ask for your support to spread our crowdfunding campaign. I tend to be very impulsive, in the sense…

15 days of CivicMarathon

15 days of CivicMarathon

Lately, I’ve been spending most of my time activating the Civic Innovation School.We are launching the second Civic Marathon, it will be a marathon of 15 days to discover and map people and projects focused on Civic Innovation: they can be people, groups, spaces, actions, strategies, projects and research. Here is the form to point…

Fab, resilient, circular or sharing cities: beyond buzzwords, what can networks of cities achieve?

Fab, resilient, circular or sharing cities: beyond buzzwords, what can networks of cities achieve?

Next week I will moderate an interesting panel during the Ouishare Fest: Fab, resilient, circular or sharing cities: beyond buzzwords, what can networks of cities achieve? The speakers of the panel are – Olivia Armenta, Associate Director, City Relationships, 100 Resilient Cities– Tomas Diez, Instigator Fabcity and director of Fab Lab Barcelona.– Maja Johannessen, Gov. & Cities Programme Associate, Ellen…