Civic Factory Fest Valencia
At the beginning of 2016 I started an interesting conversation with my friend Jonathan Reyes about the opportunity to start a new ambitious project that we called Civic Factory. After that conversation we started to promote the project with the rest of the member of Valencia circle of CivicWise and we finally decided to start with a big and long event called Civic Factory Fest.
Civic Factory Fest is an event that promotes learning, reflection and action around new forms of collaborative design and civic innovation, with the aim of promoting new opportunities for dialogue and collaboration between citizens, public administration, university and the private sector.
Civic Factory Fest is a project promoted by CivicWise and Marina Real Juan Carlos I of Valencia.
CivicWise is an international community focused on promoting processes of collective intelligence applied to the territory.
Marina Real Juan Carlos I is a public entity composed of the General State Administration, the Generalitat Valenciana and the city of Valencia.
– Develop spaces capable to promote dialogue between citizens, government, the private sector and universities.
– Create a common space for debate, learning and collective work for the various agents present in the territory.
– Promote new synergies between different projects, companies and organizations that are working on processes of civic innovation in Valencia.
– Advance the development and testing the tools and methodologies capable of promote collective intelligence processes with impact on the territory.
During the month of November. The first three weeks with exclusive access for professionals and the open last week to the general public.
The Alinghi Building in La Marina Real Juan Carlos I of Valencia.
Located in a strategic area in Valencia, the area of La Marina is presented as one of the largest territories of transformation, innovation and growth of the city.
This building enjoys a central location in the inner harbor and close to the urban fabric and has facilities that make this place the ideal space to become the first European Civic Factory. This space will thus become not only a prototype of an experimental nature, but also a place of reference for the public and the various actors in the territory.
More info:

Pictures by Laura Murillo @rodamona (civicwise)
Graphics by Jonathan Reyes @pinfairo (civicwise)