About me
Civic Designer, Researcher, Consultant, Entrepreneur and Activist.
Responsible for the development of Volumes Media.
Instigator and co-founder of different spaces, networks and communities, known for their capacity for innovation and knowledge exchange. Among them are the spaces Volumes Lab in Paris, Factoría Cívica in Valencia, the platform Ciudades Comunes, the international network CivicWise and the Civic Innovation School focused on processes of Collective Intelligence, Civic Innovation.
Author of the white paper “Civic Design Method“.
I promote and develop processes, tools and spaces that help local authorities, organisations and universities to collaborate with citizens to generate Collective Intelligence processes with positive impact on the territory.
I work with international organisations, universities and public and private institutions in Europe and Latin America.
Get to know the projects I am part of

A crossroads of communities and economic, institutional and academic players, a laboratory for experimentation on transdisciplinarity and new ways of working, an incubator for projects and a supporter of social change.